Sunday, April 12, 2015

Species At Risk In Ontario

Welcome back to my blog, In my last blog I talked about how human affect animals extinction and  what they would need to stop doing if  they wanted to save the animals existence. In this blog I'm going to talk about 4 species that are at risk in Ontario. I've decide to chose Ontario to show people that they're endangered species all over, even in your community.
The first animal is a mammal, that lives all over Ontario in the tall grass prairie, sand barrens and farmland. Its the American badger, the American badger is threaten by habitat destruction and being hit by cars. The American badger is a short animal and resembles a weasel.
The second endangered animals in Ontario is in bird category and its the bald eagle. The bald eagle lives near several different habitats and forest, they stay near forest for there food sources of fish and other animals. The bald eagle is a threaten animals, by the development of housing and industries.
The third animal is the eastern wolf a animal from the mammal group. The eastern wolf lives in mixed forests and is endangered because of habitat destruction, forest destruction into farmland. Only 500 eastern wolf can be found in all of Canada. 
The four endangered animals is also a mammal its the grey fox. The grey fox lived in the forest and marshes, The animals is endangered by the cold climate of Canada. The grey fox can usually be found in warmer climate.
All of this animals, are animals in our community and we should take care of them and make sure they don't go extinct because so many animals have already became extinct and we don't want any more to leave the earth. I believe animals contribute so much to our earth and we should help them not to be endangered.

Friday, April 10, 2015

How Can We Help Stop The Extinction Of Animals?

In this blog, I'm going to talk about how people affect the extinction of animals and what they would need to stop doing if they wanted to save the life of animals.I believe humans are one of the main causes of several animals going extinct or other being extinct.In my opinion animals don't go extinct for no reason there's always causes and consequences for example, humans caused some of the global warming and the consequences for that is the polar bears being endangered and dying. They're 3 reason below how humans affect the extinction of animals.
Shady trees in the green forest1-habitat destruction
2- overexploitation
NUMBER ONE: Habitat destruction. Habitat destruction is caused by overpopulation of humans, because the more humans that come on earth the more forest we need to eliminate, to make room/community for them. By eliminating the forest we destroy several animals habitats. In my opinion we can fix this problem by not destroying the forest to make houses and communities but using open fields or places that are already communities instead.
NUMBER TWO: Overexploitation. "Overexploitation is the over use of wildlife and species." Overexploitation is caused by humans that overhunt and overfish. If humans hunt  a specific human they become endangered and if humans continue they we become extinct.
NUMBER THREE: Pollution. There is two pollution that human causes that affects animals, the pollution in the air and pollution in the water. The pollution in the air is caused by industries, burning fossil fuels and farming chemicals. The pollution in the air can give animals several disease and make the  animals endangered. In my opinion we can fix this problem by car pooling and making less industries. The water pollution is caused by sewage and waste water created by human for example cruises and other things. We can help by not flushing medicine, baking products and other things down the sink.

little fact: human caused 322 animal extinction in the past 500 years

Monday, April 6, 2015

Polar Bear Extinction

Animals going in extinct
Animals are important creatures in the life of humans. Its very rarely for someone not to have a animal. Animals are a mans best friend, a family member and so much more. People that have animals treat them like family. In this blog I'm going to talk about a endangered animal and how our leaving affect them.

The polar bear is a remarkable animal they can gallop as fast as a horse and run 40 kilometer a hour, short distance. The polar bear is one of the most endangered animal on the earth today. The polar bear lives in very cold climates. Why is the polar bear endangered? The polar bear is not endangered because they are being hunted by humans or by predators for a meal. The polar bear is at the stop of the food chain but why are they endangered you ask?. Well its one word that may shock you its US and how we treat the earth and the environment. We cause the major affects on global warming and climate change to our earth,  the life of several animals including the polar bear are endangered because of us. Global warming is caused by the expansion on green houses (created by humans). The carbon dioxide level have never been higher, on the earth and the earth is getting warmer everyday. How does the climate change and global warming affect the polar bears? Because are earth is getting hotter and its not letting the heat from the sun go back to space, the polar bears are forced to stay on dried land or drowned in the sea. The polar bears are forced to stay on the dried land because the sea is no longer frozen and they will drowned in the water if they did. The polar bear food change has changed because of global warming, the polar bear can't hunt because the sea is no longer frozen, so the polar bears starve to death and die.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Animals That Have Gone Extinct


In my last blog, I talked about animal extinction and how it affect our society. In this blog I'm going to talk about the different kind of animal, that have gone extinct and what kind of role they played on our earth.

Image result for dodo birdThere are so many animals that have gone extinct in our world. In my opinion the most famous animal extinct is the dodo bird. You can find the dodo bird in several movies like Alice in wonderland, and in the TV show like Phineus and Ferb. Some might disagree, but I find the dodo not a very appealing bird. The bird weighed around 23kg with a chubby body, short legs and a short neck. His characteristic didn't help the dodo bird from getting captured in 1662. The bird was first seen in 1598, the dodo is a flightless bird from the east of Madagascar, the Indian ocean. I believe the dodo was a very smart bird even if they called him the dodo bird. In my opinion they called him a dodo and figure he was dumb because he had a friendly approach. The dodo bird became extinct in 1662, when humans presented other animals to the island and became hunting the dodo bird .After the dodo birds extinction, 300 years at around the same time a tree went extinct, scientist figure out that the dodo bird gave existence to this tree by eating its fruit and planting the seeds. The dodo bird didn't affect any food chain till after the humans presented animals to the island, the bird had no predator and lived on fruit. There are so many other amazing creatures that have gone extinct (here is names of animals that have gone extinct in North America) America cheetah, American lion, camelops, Mexican horse and more.
In my opinion, the most tragic stories of extinction is of the Atlas bear. The atlas bear was the only bear that inhabited Africa, they could be found in the mountains of the northeast of the continent. The animals started becoming extinct in the Roman empire. When they were not only hunted but captured. The bears were then made into gladiator bears and had to fight to the death. The last bear was shot and killed in the 1800's.