Sunday, June 14, 2015

9th blog recap

So this is my 9th blog, and it's very sad because it's my second last blog. In every of my other blog, this blog will be the same it will contain me talking about animals. Endangered animals, animals extinction or animals in general.

So in this blog, I'm just going to do a recap of everything that I talked about in my previous blogs

First blog: What is extinction everyone has a different opinion on extinction, but in my opinion extinction is when a species or organism is no longer in existing. This means that the species once existed, but can no longer be found. The species can only be seen in photos.

Second blog: my second blog talked about Animals that have come extinct. In my opinion the most famous animal that has gone extinct is the dodo. The dodo bird may have a weird name but scientist only called it the dodo bird because they thought he was dumb, because of his friendly approach, but I believe the dodo was a very smart bird because it knew how to survive. The dodo bird became extinct in 1662 when they presented other animals to the island and started hunting the dodo bird. The most tragic story of an extinct animal in my opinion were the atlas bear, it's a tragic story because in the 1800 the bear were captured and turned into gladiator bears. Where they had to fight to the death for amusement for the people.

Third blog: My third blog is on the polar bears and how we cause their extinction. The extinction of polar bears is very sad because it caused by us, by global warming and climate change and there is nothing we can do. Global warming and climate change has a affect on the polar bears because it melts the ice, so the polar bears are forced to stay on dry land or drowned in the ocean.

Fourth blog: My fourth blog talked about the different causes that cause animal extinction 
1-habitat destruction
2- over exploitation
These are three causes that we can change over time. In my opinion human can pick open places instead of animals homes to help the habitat destruction. Over exploitation can be stopped, by only hunting animals at a certain time of the year and pollution can be stopped but not flushing toxic product in the toilet. 

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