Sunday, June 14, 2015

10th blog recap

This is my 10th blog and it's sad because its my very last blog. In my last blog I started to recap the stuff I said in my previous blog and this blog I will continue to do that.
We are starting from my 5th blog.

fifth blog: On my 5th blog, I talked about the four animals that are going extinct in Ontario. In my opinion, it is very surprising to find out that the American bagger, bald eagle, eastern wolf and the gray fox are at risk. It's surprising because these are common animals that a person may see every day and they would not assume that they are at risk.

Six blog: In my six blogs I talked about the most common animals in the world a person would own in their home. It shocks me to find out that the fish is the number one animal a person would own in their home, In my opinion fish don't do anything they just swim around and eat, but I believe people choose to have fish as pets because they don't do anything and they aren't any work. The second most common animal is the cat in opinion its not surprising cause cats aren't any work like a dog and doesn't need to be taken out.

Seventh blog: In my 7th blog, I talked about the different charities that help endangered animal. In my opinion, these charities are really important because they help save the animals. The four charities that I have chosen is     
  • International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
  • Sea Shepard Conservation Society
  • Defenders of Wildlife
  • Panthera
  • Save the Manatee Club
  • these charities are important because they are all different charities that have different goals and different animals to save.
    Eight blog: On my 8th blog, I talked about three different animals that people wouldn't think are endangered but are. The three animals where the Zebra, the alligator and the coral which isn't considered an animal but a species. I also pointed out one thing that makes these animals endangered,
     the zebra is endangered because of the zoo, the alligator because they are hunted for their skins and coral is endangered by scuba divers, because once the coral is touched by a human it dies.
    I thank you so much for reading my blogs



    1. Great blog post Rachelle! I thoroughly enjoyed this post and how you used it to recap you previous blogs. I liked how you were able to fit in all that information into one blog. I really liked reading over your blog because its a very important subject that must be shared to the public.

    2. Captivating topic. If we don't look after the endangered wildlife in the world, how long before we become endangered ourselves?

      A few issues:

      - Some posts have little to no connection to your blog topic (ex. popular pets)
      - No media whatsoever for your latest 5 blogs
      - Various grammar and spelling mistakes (ex. bring their dog everyone)
      - Sometimes there isn’t a clear transition or flow from phrase to phrase. Sometimes it’s a jumble of information.
      - Some posts have no obvious sourcing.
      - I don't understand the point of doing a recap for your last 2 posts. We can easily go back and read them, and it doesn't add anything to our understanding of your topic. + There was no overall / greater message given. I feel you could have written 2 full posts, and perhaps devoted your last post to extinction in general and what society must do top prevent it in the future.
